best facial recognition app for android

Facial Recognition Software | Facial Recognition Application For Android

PradeepLast Updated On: March 7, 2020

Facial Recognition Software – Edward teller’s quote ‘The science of today is the technology of tomorrow’ indeed proved that technology paved its way establishing a relationship between mankind and virtual reality. Ever since facial recognition application has been found, results from personal computers were not up to the mark. Hence, technicians extended this version to make it portable to Android, iOS and other software’s.

best facial recognition app for android

These not only improve the accessibility of the device but also increase the security level and prevent the device from getting hacked or corrupted. Image processing techniques include biometrics, fingerprinting and facial recognition have been used to develop this software which is being used widely.


Best Facial Recognition Software And Application

There are many facial recognition applications which can be installed and some are inbuilt which are included in the device itself. Here are few best facial recognition apps from different sources.


Face lock app provides security for both device and the apps present in your phone. Initially, your face has to be inputted into the device so that the device gets unlocked only when your face is detected. This app is used for both Android and iOS. It is available in google play store and can be used after installing from the play store. It also offers maximum adjustability and flexibility while loading the picture of your face into the device. Including face recognition, it also provides the option for a pattern and pins unlock mode as well.

Facelock app

Description for face lock APK and SDK are given in the link ( Where it can directly be downloaded from the link and is portable to all the devices including Mac, tablets, Android phones, and any other devices. In order to get notifications regarding this app, it also has an option where you can provide them with your registered email-id to which the upcoming software updates will be sent to it.


Though Face vault app is exclusively for iOS users. It has the features which are why it is top trending in the market. It gives a demo on how to use this app once you are done installing.

facevault app

Similar to face lock app for Android version 4.0, face vault also has the option of securing the device including the applications present on that particular device. The additional features for this app are given in the official website which has been mentioned above.

I Obit App lock

This app is the highest rated among the facial recognition apps in the google play store which has 4.5 ratings with good reviews. This is the recently developed app with many latest features. Including face lock it has the following features:

  • Fingerprint Lock
  • Screen Lock
  • Fake Lock
  • Notification Lock
  • Delay Lock Option
  • Intruder Selfie
  • Customize Theme
  • Change Icon

Iboit App Lock

Face recognition software for windows 10

Microsoft has many inbuilt features for facial recognition which is portable for both Android and Mac and other software’s. Creating a Microsoft account will help you in utilizing this inbuilt app where it will usually be there in the network settings.

The link given has the description of how to open and use the facial recognition software for Windows 10 ( windows-10).

Before installing or using the inbuilt one for pc, one should make sure their camera has a good quality resolution or not. Because pixelated images might lead to an error or sometimes it will become difficult to detect the face that has been inputted into the device.

Face recognition software for mac

Not all Mac devices have this Facial Recognition Software feature. Mc book pro has this option where you can unlock your device using facial recognition. The key lemon app provides this feature in the mac devices which do not have the inbuilt option.

The link given has the description on how to use this app and download in order to avail the opportunity of unlocking your device with this feature ( www.face Key lemon’s windows and OSX allows us to unlock the PC or MAC using a webcam. This app is portable in different versions of windows (10, 8 etc.).It is available in different languages to guide people from worldwide.

The above-mentioned Face recognition apps are for both Android and IOS. The software manufacturer makes sure that it is compatible with all the software that can benefit everyone. Where, the statement ‘If a non-authorized person is trying to log into your Computer, Key Lemon take a picture of this person and store it on the “Lemon Screen preferences”. Has been mentioned on the official website of the Key lemon that ensures that it provides complete security to the device. All that requires downloading this software is that Intel, 64-bit processor and OS X 10.11 or later

Face recognition for windows

As mentioned above, the software’s such as face lock, face vault can be used for all types of windows os. Also with the advancements taking place in the technology, the tendency to attract the customers to buy the product or install it has been increased in large number. Where the app manufacturers started to focus on themes as well by introducing it to everyone’s favorite superheroes or other scenic beauty.


All most all the facial recognition apps are similar to each other where they operate on the same principle which is to provide the high-level security and make life simpler rather than typing the entire password or drawing the pattern just to unlock the phone. The above-mentioned facial recognition applications are chosen from my perspective which was collected from different sources and put them together.

Apps like face lock and face vault have been there since the long time where the software for their app has also been updated recently with attracting high definition wallpapers, themes that also change according to different festivals being celebrated worldwide and it also differs from country to country. Google play store offers a wide range of facial recognizing apps which are mentioned above that has good reviews.

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Pradeep comes from Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh. He is a Software engineer and works currently as a professional UI developer for a tech firm in Hyderabad. The current design of Techweed blog is one of his creation. He plays a very important role at Techweed as he is our one-stop destination for all our technical and development related problems.

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