How To Fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error Permanently DNS Probe Finished Bad Config


Venkatesh GeddamLast Updated On: March 4, 2020

If you have been facing DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG error for a few days on your laptop / PC, it’s time to find a solution for it. The problem is relevant in Mozilla Firefox and Safari browser part from chrome.

The DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG error is basically a blundering error that quite a lot of people are experiencing. It is basically an issue of web Association that restricts the clients from accessing the internet. Luckily, we have come up with plenty of arrangements that can encounter the effect of dns_probe_finished_bad_config windows 10 error that usually arises because of DNS server.


The Mistake can appear on Microsoft rendition version or any other Windows variant.

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of DNS PROBE FINISHED BAD CONFIG Error?

  • The clients are compared to revive the webpage
  • The error suddenly appears on the screen and stops the operation in the middle of nowhere


How to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Chrome on Windows And Mac?

With Plenty of methods to address the problem, we are going to let you know someone the easiest way to fix it.

Method 1: Altering DNS server

  • Simply press Win +r so that run window option can appear on your screen. Type ncpa.cpl and press enter


  • After you reach the network settings, pick up the network that is connecting you and causing dns_probe_finished_bad_configerror
  • Right-click on that particular Network and reach the properties option

How To Fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error Permanently default network properties

  • So you will see properties dialogue box available on your screen, click internet protocol version 4 in that list

IPv4 in network settings

  • Now you can use the following DNS server address-

How To Fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error Permanently Changing DNS Server

  • Click reconnect your digital gadget using the same network and things will work perfectly fine.

The error of DNS probe finished bad config can be easily encountered through this easy step-by-step guide.

Method 2: Removing/Renewing the IP config

  • Simply visit Run window option on your computer and write cmd.

How To Fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error Permanently Opening cmd in elevated mode

  • Doing this would make you reach command prompt window. An alternative way you can reach it from the program option
  • After you reach the command prompt window, write ip config / release hit the enter option
  • The user needs to renew them so that would be done by typing ip config/ renew and press enter
  • Reconnect your network and access the web in the best possible way without facing any errors

Method 3: Flushing DNS

One of the best strategies to encounter the problem of dns_probe_finished_bad_config windows 10 Blunder errors by using DNS flushing technique. You must remember that any mistake can result in full outcomes. Therefore, carefully follow the steps that are mentioned below –

  • Win + r key has to be pressed for engine Run window command
  • Open Flash flush DNS and type IP config/ flush DNS
  • This would automatically flush the DNS

This can help in fixing up the error right away

Method 4: Resetting IT Catalog

In case none of the above-mentioned techniques work to resolve the issue, the best would be to clear the internet catalog IP address for checking out whether it is workable or not. This method has been helpful for the users. However, you need to have administrative rights in order to initiate it. Following is the procedure for resetting it catalog

  • Press win+x keys are to be pressed in order to reach the administrative rights. Type netshintip reset and press entre for it
  • After typing net SH Winsock reset catalog you can expect the resetting of IT catalog to automatically take place.

Hence, you can immediately solve the problem of dns_probe_finished_bad_config on your laptop/computer.

Method5: Clear away website filters

It is quite possible that you have been running on a specific module which is creating hurdles in internet connectivity. Something unimaginable might at as the conceivable offender. So the best would be to encounter the report of dns_probe_finished_bad_configby investigating supplanting the module and resetting frameworks setup.

Method 6: Clearing the browser history

Clearing browsing history is one of the most genuine and easiest solutions for program-related issues. The IP address/DNS most probably get this issue because of bugs and cookies present in the history. The best is to clear the way the browser history and watch how smoothly your internet connectivity works.

How To Fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG Error Permanently Clear browsing data

Method 7: Disabling web security software

The Internet security software can disable you to access the internet connectivity and result in Blunder error on your screen. The firewall/antivirus security can arise some faulty issues.

In such circumstances, the best is to disable the security programming and give your laptop a speedy solution. It is quite possible that the issue is coming from the past gets immediately evacuated with the help of Internet Security disabling.

Method 8: Checking the web browser

The web browser can segregate numerous issues if it is not properly installed. The best is to reinstall it if repeated problems are faced. Instead of initiating different methods to resolve the dns_probe_finished_bad_config android error, the best is to completely remove the installed browser and once again download it from the internet.

You can also use a perfect uninstaller so that no virus files are left during an installation process. Additionally, you can finish the process by installing install Shield so that everything goes on perfectly after the browser installation is completed.

Method 9: Checking the hardware

In particular condition, the Blunder error can appear because of the hardware problem. The best is to unplug the consoles like a mouse, speaker, receiver, the keyboard on any other interface that has been externally connected to the laptop/computer.

Reconnect the same device after 5 minutes and restart your PC with all the links properly attached. If the problem has to get resolved through this, you will come to know immediately.

Method 10: Use alternate Browser

You don’t have to use the same Browser all the time. With so many browser choices available, you can’t go for Opera Mini UC browser or any other alternative that you may personally find capable.


Hence these were the working and latest 10 best methods to permanently fix dns_probe_finished_bad_config error from your windows or Mac device. Hope the article is clear enough to resolve your problem. If you still face this error on your chrome then do comment below with your issue and we shall try to assist you in fixing it as soon as possible.

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